Note to self: Save! Save! Save!
I had just finished this entry, uploaded the photos, and BLAM Firefox crashed. Grr.
Ok, moving on..
My first meet was something. I had joined the Detroit Photography Group. But, they didn't DO anything - and hadn't in months. So, I thought, what the heck, I'll start my own!
So I started the group in late 2008, the end of December, and I made my first meet the Detroit Zoo, Butterfly House. We had lots of people jump from the old inactive photo group, to the new group, and we had about 15 people RSVP originally. I was excited, but didn't really expect everyone that RSVPd to actually come. I told myself that if 5 showed, I'd be happy.
Then the day before, the weather reports were saying bad storm approaching. The RSVP's moved down to 11, but I really didn't expect many, if any the next day, if the reports were correct.
The day came, and it came with snow. And lots of it. The drive from my house to the zoo is usually about a 5 minute drive, it took me 15 minutes. Ugh.
So I get there, on time, not early (mistake one), and there were already several people there! I was AMAZED lol. I can't remember who exactly was there, because I didn't bring a sign in sheet (mistake two). I did talk to each person, and thanked them for coming, but I didn't take a group photo (mistake 3), or be "in charge" in any way. People just left as they were ready to. I don't think this was a mistake, but I have since changed this ;).
All in all, it was a decent group. We had (if memory serves) the following members:
Me (haha obviously)
one other lady (who has since left the group)
and I think one other person was there, but I can't remember who :(
It was a good day. I left happy, and had a couple of good shots to show for it.
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