Sunday, April 19, 2009

Meetup #2 Plymouth Ice Festival

The last time I went to the Plymouth Ice Festival, I was in high school. That means it was about 20 years ago. It also means that the festival was pretty much brand new. Which also means there weren't many (if any) real rules. You could wander around and see the sculptures from every angle. There were a lot of people, but it wasn't like a traffic jam.

So, this event was coming up, and I was wracking my brain for things to do.. so I posted it and got many interested people. For this meet, I also didn't bring a sign in sheet, but I DID bring a MEETUP sign. So I get there, and after getting lost in Plymouth, getting stuck in traffic, and finally finding a place to park, while I should have been EARLY to the meetup spot, i was actually late - and almost everyone was already there. (waiting for me!) (Whoops).

We walked around, and we took photos of the ice sculptures, and of the artists carving the ice.. this one was CRAZY busy. And, as I mentioned above we were allowed to walk wherever in the park before, now it was roped off, and the people could ONLY walk around the park, not through it. Also, it was almost too busy for us to really get any good photos. But, here is what I came up with:




Again, since there was no sign up, I sadly cannot remember all who came, but I do recall that at this meet we met Kelly, Quy and Joy and Nilesh. There were about 10 people though, but most didn't stay with the group.

Woo, two down and we seemed to be a successful group!

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