Monday, May 11, 2009

The People Mover

Ahhhh the People Mover day. This day started with a phone call 10 minutes before I was supposed to meet everyone to go downtown. I say "started" because I was sound asleep at 9:50 am, and was supposed to meet everyone at 10 am. Ugh. So, this is my very special Thank You to Kelly for that kind wake up call :)

Fast forward 40 minutes later, and we were pulling into the Downtown Detroit Parking Garage. The day was beautiful. Sunny with a breeze coming off the river, warm.. oh yes a good day.

This was yet another meet dedicated to our 2 Faces of Detroit Project.

We made our way into the Ren Cen and bought our tokens. Our goal was to get off at EVERY stop. So we as a group get onto the People Mover, and the very next stop .. was across the street.

Haha.. oh yes. Across the street. That was OK because we all got some great shots.. but seriously, we could have walked there LOL.



From there it was over to the Financial District. We kind of broke off into many groups at this point. I think we spent the most time at this stop as well.





From there we hit JLA and then Cobo Hall, walked around the roof parking at Cobo, and we all kind of slowed down, so we decided to grab some lunch.


We went to Greek Town and ate at a Tex Mex place. This time without the margaritas (well, I had one, but they made me drink alone, as sad as that is). After that we headed over to Grand Circus Park, and shot some more until the rain started coming down. At that point we high-tailed it back to the Ren Cen, shot a little in there, and then headed down the back way along the river to our cars.

There, along the river front, we found the most interesting fire hydrant


Then we talked about Petcha Kutcha night, then went home.

For more (and in many cases better) photos, including of course the very cool hydrant, have a look at our RODP Flickr

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Gads, those are some lovely images.
I especially love that top shot and the chairs!

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